多年以来协羽不断的改革与奋斗,除获得NSF(American National Sanitation Federation)美国国家卫生协会认证,并通过英国Lloyd’s及BSI的品质管理体系认证,我们并在原有塑料阀门的基础下,不断地开发多种类以及多材质之各国标准管配件,目前协羽生产之塑料阀门有隔膜阀、蝶阀、球阀、逆止阀、电动及气动阀等30余种,所采用之材料有UPVC、CPVC、HD-PE 、PPH&PVDF等。
我们为该公司于2004年8月提供服务,服务内容为:车间装修 、办公楼装修等。
Kunshan hsieh yu valve pipe co., LTD., established in 1973, is the first company in Taiwan from the development of design to manufacturing plastic valve company. More than 30 years to the factory, hsieh yu product marketing the world more than 30 countries, quality at home and abroad by customers praise and affirmation.
For many years hsieh yu continuously reform and struggle, in addition to obtain NSF (American National Sanitation Federation) the United States association of National health authentication, and through the British Lloyd s and BSI quality management system certification, we are in the original plastic valve under the basis of, and continuously develops much sort, as well as the material of each country standard pipe fittings, at present hsieh yu production of plastic valves have diaphragm valve, butterfly valve, ball valve, check valve, electric and pneumatic valves and so on more than 30 kinds of materials used are UPVC, CPVC, HD - PE, PPH&PVDF, etc.
We for the company in August 2004 to provide service, the service content is: shop decoration, building decoration, etc.